4 Workouts Per Week: 3 workouts and 1 dedicated flexibility workout.
45-60 Minute Time Commitment: Done in less than an hour per workout.
World Class Community: Get access to our private Facebook group when you join. Get all your questions answered and access training videos with detailed explanations of what to do. This group is moderated by our awesome AP Team.
Minimal Equipment Needed: You don't need much to be in great shape and pain free. All our workouts are designed to be done at home, in your garage our outside if you don't have gym access.
Real Results From Real People
$1 Trial
$29 per month
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Terms and Conditions: Once the trial period is up, I am aware that I will be charged the full price of $29/month going forward. I am also aware that I can cancel at any point in time.
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This is such an incredible offer! I've never lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, sodales at cursus ac, interdum eget dui. Etiam neque mauris, rutrum id ipsum non, commodo posuere lacus.
- Bobby Jones, FL
This is such an incredible offer! I've never lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, sodales at cursus ac, interdum eget dui. Etiam neque mauris, rutrum id ipsum non, commodo posuere lacus.